SINT MAARTEN (SOUTH REWARD) - In September Milton Peters College (MPC) started with a grand fundraising activity, involving all students, teachers, and staff members to provide all classrooms at the MPC campus with air conditioning, SVOBE Innovation Coordinator Saskia Kliphuis said on Monday in a press statement.
“With a blue donation sheet, they were to ask family members, neighbors, and friends for a small amount, varying between USD 1 to 10 (and up to a total of USD 50 per sheet). The campaign was supposed to run to September 29, but –due to success- was extended till October.
“We now close off the donation sheet activity with a handsome 12.922,35 USD, raised by students and staff. We are grateful for all efforts and the class groups/mentors that brought in the highest amounts were thanked with pizza.
“In the meantime, a great sense of corporate citizenship was shown and -in fact- is still shown by various private persons and businesses. We received donations from RBC, Nagico, Wilco Landscaping, SLS Laboratory, Telem, an anonymous sponsor, Julian Rollocks Jr and La Vista, which currently has resulted in a total of raised funds of USD 23.850,13 and two air conditioning units.
“We are still awaiting the completion of various other pledges in kind (air condition units) and funds, and we strive to be able to reach the required USD 40.000 mark to be able to start a bidding process and offer all students and staff a nice cool head while working hard. Besides the air conditioning units and installation also some electrical work and rewiring will be required,” Saskia Kliphuis said on Monday in a media statement.
Anyone willing to donate towards this campaign can still contact the Keep a Cool Head Team of Milton Peters College (
Source: Souliga Newsday
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