Last round for St. Maarten Population and Housing Census starts April 21 to May 31 | SOUALIGA NEWSDAY

SINT MAARTEN (The Department of Statistics (STAT) conducted the 2022 St. Maarten population census. A census is a general population and housing count and is held every 10 years. During a Census everyone is counted who, at a specific moment in time (the Census moment), has been living in St. Maarten for 1 year or longer or who has the intention of living in St. Maarten for 1 year or longer.

Due to various reasons, the census interviewers were unable to reach certain addresses during the Census period. Therefore, we are going in the field again during this Post Census period that runs from April 21st – May 31st, 2023.

Interviews last about one hour for an average size family. During this interview, we will cover the following topics: living accommodation questions, demographics and migration, health, education, labor, and income.

The cooperation of all members of your household is of utmost importance for the success of the Census 2011. The Department of Statistics is legally obligated to conduct the Census. As an independent department of the government, we will not and are in fact not allowed to share any individual information.

The data that we receive will be analyzed and reported in aggregate tables. Conform to the National Ordinance census (AB 2013, GT no. 544), and all information will be treated confidentially and anonymously and will be processed into statistical data.

The findings of the population census will be disseminated during different organized community meetings in the second half of this year. Please call us at the Department of Statistics to arrange an appointment if you have not been interviewed during the initial Census interviews.

The number to reach STAT at is (+1) 721 542-0349/559-7492 or email
