SINT MAARTEN (PHILIPSBURG)- On July 10, 2021, District Governor Elect Louis Wever was sworn in as the new District Governor for District 7020 for Rotary Year 2021-2022. District 7020 consists of about 89 clubs in 10 countries, which are Anguilla, St. Maarten/St. Martin, St. Barths, Bahamas, Jamaica, US Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Turks & Caicos and Haiti.

Present to witness this momentous occasion, were Immediate Past District Governor (IPDG) 2020-2021 Charles Sealy II and Past District Governor (PDG) Victor Gibbs. After 17 years a District Governor from St. Maarten/ St. Martin is selected.

The well attended Inauguration Ceremony was held at the Simpson Bay Convention Hall. Among the invited guests were; the Honorable Prime Minister of Sint Maarten Silveria Jacobs, several Government Officials, Lions District Governor Sub- District 60B Claudio Buncamper, Keynote Speaker Distinguished Toast Master (DTM) Rolando Tobias and a few Past Rotary Assistant Governors.

In his speech, the newly installed District Governor Louis Wever indicated that he accepted the mantle to lead our Rotary District 7020 during this year 2021-2022, with great pleasure. This year’s theme is:     ”Serve to Change Lives” in the words of our Rotary International President Shekar Mehta: “ We believe that our acts of service, big and small, create opportunities for people who need our help”.

We as Rotarians can contribute to our community in many ways by adapting to our situation, improving our participation in growing and developing Rotary, and assessing the present needs in our communities. This year 2021-2022 is an exciting year for Rotary, as we are this close to eradicating Polio worldwide, and we can be rightly proud of or Foundation and its successes.

Building our future with vision, embraces the need for us to continue to work and plan for the future. And, by working together we can make a big impact in our communities internationally.

Keynote Speaker DTM Rolando Tobias addressed the theme” Serve to Change Lives”, and started with a quote of the late great Mahatma Gandhi: “The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others”. Rotary prides itself of being an organization of people of action through service!

In its four priorities, Rotary issued a call to action for its membership in four areas namely: to increase our impact, to expand our reach, to enhance participant engagement and to increase our ability to adapt. These have been the calls to action in priority areas for Rotary International members all around the world to serve as they; promote peace, fight disease, provide clean water, sanitation and hygiene, save mothers and children, support education and grow local communities.

DTM Tobias concluded with issuing the call to action to Rotary District 7020 members: “Strive to genuinely serve your fellow man as you work the Rotary International Program, and only then would we be able to truly claim that we” serve to change lives”.

We would like to extend a special thanks to the family of DG Louis Wever, especially his wife Rotarian Amanda Wever. Furthermore, a special thank you to the staff of the Simpson Bay Resort, for everything they have done to accommodate us and our guests, during District Governor Louis Wever’s inauguration. We greatly appreciate it!