Ministry VSA Commences with Home Repair Project 2020. Outreach session planned for January 4 | SOUALIGA NEWSDAY

GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – The Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour (Ministry VSA), after carrying out a quick assessment of what was done on the various recovery initiatives that took place in 2018-2019, within the ministry, one initiative that stood out was the home repair programs carried out by Community Development, Family & Humanitarian Affairs.

Reason for the above is that over 135 clients were assisted, via their home repair projects, and yet the department continues to receive referrals and or requests for home repair.

The results coming out of these projects serves as indicator for the damages persons endured and the areas of concern that also need to be addressed, if these were not done. In addition to what was considered priority, such as a roof above resident’s head, other social challenges and material needs are also being looked into and addressed.

The aim of the Home Repair 2020 project is to improve the livability and safety of homes and the quality of life of deserving applicants who need it most. As such, persons in need of home repairs and other related issues are requested to attend the information and registration outreach sessions to take place in the various communities at any of the Community Help Desks.

Sessions will take place on the following days at 7:00 pm nightly, commencing this Saturday January 4, at the Government Administration Building; Monday January 6, at Dutch Quarter Community Help Desk; Tuesday January 7, at St. Peters Community Help Desk; Wednesday January 8, at Cole Bay Community Help Desk.

The Minister of Public Health, Social Development & Labour Pamela Gordon- Carty will be present to address the participants in attendance.

If additional information is needed, feel free to call or visit your nearest community help desk: St. Peters Community Help Desk (5203418), Cole bay Community Help Desk (5204315) and Dutch Quarter Community Help Desk (5207651). Visiting CHD hours are 8:30 am – 12:30 pm.

Source: Souliga Newsday