SINT MAARTEN (GREAT BAY) - Philipsburg, St. Maarten – The Board of the National Alliance (NA) is deeply concerned about the false narratives being spread by the outgoing 2x4 coalition. These misleading claims undermine public trust in elected officials.
When the National Alliance took office in November 2019, they inherited a budget for fiscal year 2019 that had just been approved after nearly a year's delay by the previous DP Minister. This delay halted new policy implementation and left the budget unbalanced, with a shortfall of approximately NAF 71 million guilders, necessitating a request for liquidity support from the Netherlands.
Despite the challenges left by Hurricane Irma, the NA-led Government did not complain. Then, in March 2020, St. Maarten, along with the rest of the world, faced the global COVID-19 pandemic. The government quickly created and executed the St. Maarten Stimulus and Relief Plan, providing direct financial support to over 1,600 companies to help pay employees. Additionally, bus drivers, taxi drivers, independent taxi drivers, and individuals who lost their jobs due to COVID-19 received stipends. For eighteen months, the NA/UPP-led Government provided critical support during these trying times.
St. Maarten was one of the first islands to safely reopen to the world, recognizing tourism as its primary income generator. Airlines and cruise ships soon returned, a process that takes time. By the end of 2022, normalcy had returned, allowing the Government to focus on the island's numerous challenges.
Key accomplishments included forming task forces to collect payments from individuals and companies owing years of domain land fees and casinos in arrears. The government also ensured that the Justice Chain received their rightful positions and payments. Additionally, over ten years of financial statements were cleaned up, the budget was balanced, and NAF 90 million guilders were secured for capital expenditures for the first time in over a decade. Capital expenditure is crucial for national development, and the inability to invest each year has significant ripple effects. These critical milestones were achieved under the NA-led Government, despite the distorted picture the outgoing Council of Ministers attempts to paint.
The National Alliance remains committed to transparency and progress, standing by the achievements and integrity of their ministers.
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