SINT MAARTEN (PHILIPSBURG) - Foresee Foundation’s project NPOwer closed another successful year of workshops on Wednesday with 25 persons awarded certificates after completing three or more “Capacity Strengthening” trainings. From learning how to work with Excel, to finding out more about Grant Writing and strengthening your knowledge on Accounting and Stakeholder Management. Jose Sommers (Director of Foresee Foundation) said, “It has truly been a very diverse year, with a wide range of topics, to serve NPOs on the Island in a very broad manner.”
In total, 185 representatives of NPOs took part in the workshops. NPOwer organized a total of 21 workshops this year. A total of 52.5 hours of training was offered this year geared towards strengthening their respective organizations’ capacity. They are now able to use the knowledge they gained, to improve the day-to-day activities of their NPO. The idea is to help their organizations to grow and blossom, and ultimately to help the community via their individual causes, awareness activities and efforts.
NPOwer is impressed by the commitment of the various NPOs and was further appreciate their feedback: “I am grateful for all the opportunities NPOwer gives to us, NPO’s, to develop our organization more and more”. Another participant stated, “We are grateful for the knowledge sharing, so we can serve our beneficiaries more efficiently.”
One of NPOwer’s goals is to ‘empower’ the non-profit sector on St Maarten. The project aims to bring together persons in the NPO field and experts to share knowledge and expertise, grow capacity, and assist with finding funding possibilities, fundraising, marketing, governance and other innovative strategies.
By sharing knowledge and expertise with each other, NPOwer aims to support collaboration and strengthen the non-profit sector on St Maarten. Stronger NPOs means a more resilient sector that works purely for the betterment of the island. Next to sharing knowledge, NPOwer strives to connect non-profit organizations (NPOs) with each other.
In the new year, NPOwer will continue to be a place where there is room for exchange of ideas, to grow, to improve skills and strengthen capacity together. With each year, more participants and more organizations taking part, it is clear that the workshops help NPOs to strengthen their capacity and become better in what they do, which is supporting the local community.
The workshops are financed by St. Maarten Development Fund (SMDF) and Samenwerkende Fondsen Cariben. Local foundations are urged to monitor their organisation’s registered email accounts and NPOwer’s social media platforms to find more information and register.
NPOwer noted for the slogan “where NPOs connect” is located at Illidge Road #60, Unit 1 in the shared offices of R4CR and Samenwerkende Fondsen Cariben. For more information contact the NPOwer team at or +1 721 581 5050 or visit their website at
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