Police fire shots in attempt to apprehend three-armed Front Street Casino robbers | SOUALIGA NEWSDAY

SINT MAARTEN (PHILIPSBURG) – The Special Unit Robbery is investigating an attempted armed robbery that took place at the Rouge Et Noir casino on Front Street, during the hours of 00:30am early Thursday morning, police announced on Thursday.  

On the scene the police patrol learned that, three armed men all dressed in a black hooded sweatshirt, stormed into the casino wearing face masks and demanded cash from the cashiers, while threatening the people inside.  The robbers were unsuccessful in their attempt to rob the casino because of the security measures that were implemented by the casino. 

Unable to obtain any cash, the suspects fled on foot towards the board walk area.

While the police were busy searching the area for the suspects, the dispatch center received information about the car the suspects were driving and passed this information on to the officers on the road.

Patrols on duty were able to spot the vehicle on the A.Th Illidge road in the Over the Pond vicinity. The suspects led the police patrols on a high speed chase where shots were fired by officers in an attempt to apprehend the perpetuators.  The suspects abandoned the car on the Arch road area and fled on foot whereby the police were unable to apprehend the suspects.

The detectives investigating this armed robbery case is asking anyone who has information to please contact the Sint Maarten Police Force at +1 721- 542 22 22 ext. 204 or 205 or the anonymous tip line on 9300 .  You can also visit the police website at www.policesx.sx or leave a message via our Facebook page (Police Force of Sint Maarten – Korps Politie Sint Maarten)

Source: Souliga Newsday https://www.soualiganewsday.com/index.php?option=com-k2&view=item&id=27903:police-fire-shots-in-attempt-to-apprehend-three-armed-front-street-casino-robbers&Itemid=504