St. Maarten Day Diamond Jubilee OneSXM Youth Concert | SOUALIGA NEWSDAY

SINT MAARTEN (PHILIPSBURG) – Among the three St. Maarten’s Day celebration events taking place in November, including the Spiritual-Jollification (Sunday 10th), and a Concert for St. Maarten (Monday 11th), the OneSXM Youth concert is the first to be held at the Festival Village on Friday 8th, at 7:00 pm until 12:00 am.

The event is hosted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport (MECYS) and spear headed by the Department of Culture under Clara Reyes and her team. The execution of the project is done by La Rich, the founder of the Movement for Music Art Dance and Entertainment promotions.

The concept behind OneSxm Youth Concert is to unite the French and Dutch side while offering a platform for up and coming entertainers, designers, and bands – giving them a chance to come together in solidarity and promote local culture as they showcase their talents.

The concert had an open call for all interested persons, allowing them to sign up and send a sample of their music or attend information sessions.

The headliner for the event are ZTB and Skillful, two local Dutch side bands, and closing off the show will be Odd Brothers, a local French Side group. Other artists to be featured are Dynamic Diamonds dancers, Temia Denis poet, A Flexo rapper, Jason Brice rapper, and Yvng Trill rapper, Black Illusion dance group, Entry Paid Preview rapper, Yung Pheenom rapper, Young Sinatra aka Summer vocalist, Rudy’s Performing Arts Dance & Expressions, Dance Charm Chinese Community, African Dancers, Breyenne Browne poet, Amir So Jokey comedian, Tyler Percival steel pan player, Dejahnique Webster vocalist, Sarah Thomasia vocalist, Jesslyn Langlais vocalist, Stefanas Waakzaam rapper/poet, Designers Exclusive Design & Printing, Leighloe,, M.A.D.E. Wear.

The OneSXM Youth concert is opened, free of charge, to the general public, and the organizers are inviting everyone to come out and support the youth in a fun evening of culture.

“It is a 100% local production, as it has been stressed only local music are to be used in all performances,” says La Rich “Having said that I think it will be a great show case of what our local young person has created.”

Drinks and food will be sold by booth holders, and there will also be persons selling special shirts for St. Martin day present. A fun corner where children can enjoy activities such as a bouncing castle and face painting will be available throughout the evening.

Source: Souliga Newsday