Straight to the finals for 10 singers against Mighty Dow | SOUALIGA NEWSDAY

SINT MAARTEN (GREAT BAY) - Ten calypsonians will go straight to the Nagico Senior Calypso Finals to be held on April 24 in Carnival Village. With 10 registered singers for the Calypso Show this year, there is no need for a calypso eliminations event to be held. As such and as is customary, when the number of registrants are below 15, the singers move on to the Calypso Finals.

The ten singers are: Fish Da Mega Boss, King Beau Beau, His Majesty Baker Jr, King Barrow, Ebony Empress, The Mighty Chip Man, Emperor Brat, The Pensioneer, The Educator, Shanyra. These singers will try to dethrone the reigning Senior Calypso Monarch, Isidore “The Mighty Dow” York. Each singer will have to sing two songs in the competition.

“Needless to say to say there is no shortage of topic for Calypsonians to sing about this year. There is plenty social commentary to relay to the public and we are as excited as ever to hear what the calypsonians will be singing about this year,” President of the SCDF Edwardo Radjouki said.

He went on to thank Nagico to thank Nagico for sticking by Carnival and the Calypso Competition in particular over so many years. “I don’t know where we would be honestly, without Nagico. They are dependable and they also offer new ideas to enhance the show. In that sense they are true partners,” he added.

The general public can expect a few surprises during the show which will be announced at a later date. “But if you remember the fun time we had last year with members of the public singing calypso and winning great prizes, you can expect a good time this year in Carnival Village,” Radjouki concluded. Entrance price for the Calypso show is US $10.
