Walking and swimming again allowed on French side beaches as of Friday. No BBQs or Gatherings | SOUALIGA NEWSDAY

SAINT-MARTIN (MARIGOT) – As announced by President Daniel Gibbs and his executive of the Collectivite, Monday, May 04, 2020 at a press conference, walking on the beach and swimming in the sea will again be allowed on all the beaches of St. Martin, starting Friday, May 08, 2020.

President Gibbs issued a territorial decree on Thursday (May 07th) lifting the ban on swimming and access to beaches as a security measure at the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, according to a press statement from the Office of the President.

As of Friday, May 08, the population is allowed to go to the beaches for individual sports (walking and running), and sea bathing. The order also stipulates that barbecues and gatherings on the beach remain prohibited until further notice.

Aware of local habits and the need for everyone to enjoy the sea, the President of the Collectivite wished to make a gesture on the eve of the release of the containment. On the other hand, the President relies on the responsibility of all and asks the public to scrupulously respect these commonsense instructions.

The police will be responsible for enforcing this order and, if necessary, dealing with offenders.

Source: Souliga Newsday https://www.soualiganewsday.com/index.php?option=com-k2&view=item&id=31341:walking-and-swimming-again-allowed-on-french-side-beaches-as-of-friday-no-bbqs-or-gatherings&Itemid=451