WYCCF launches Electronic Client File, Fierit, transforming care processes | SOUALIGA NEWSDAY

SINT MAARTEN (ST. JOHN’S ESTATE) - The White & Yellow Cross Care Foundation (WYCCF) is excited to announce that it has launched its new Electronic Client File (ECF) system, ‘’Fierit’’, on February 1st. This significant technological advancement marks a crucial step towards enhancing care processes and ensuring safe and efficient client care.

WYCCF Manager of Operations Bregje Boetekees: “We’re very excited about this new development, which is something that we’ve been working on for quite a while. The first day we went live was a great success, with all our colleagues logging on and finding their way in the new digital care plan. We are really proud how everyone is embracing this change and look forward to using every component of this software to support the quality care we deliver to our clients.”

The Sister Basilia Center (SBC) and the Sint Martin’s Home (SMH), along with their complete range of care products, are the first care departments which transitioned to Fierit. The District Nursing department has started with one district and all others are anticipated to follow suit before May 1st, further expanding the implementation of this innovative system.

In preparation for the launch, the Fierit team has dedicated months to meticulous planning and integration. They have incorporated essential forms into the system to guarantee seamless processes and effective utilization. While Fierit is an “off the shelf” product of Tenzinger, customization was applied where needed, to fit the care processes within WYCCF.

Fierit offers a multitude of best practice formats, including care planning based on the Mikzo and Triple-C methodology. Triple-C is specifically designed for clients with intellectual disabilities, and Mikzo is widely used in nursing homes and home health services. These care plan formats will empower our teams to develop personalized care plans, collaborate on goals, and regularly evaluate progress.

To facilitate a smooth transition, Mareille Hulshof and Luna de Rooij, consultants from Fierit, arrived on Sint Maarten on January 16th to prepare the WYCCF teams for the implementation. There were finetune sessions, staff trainings and they provided invaluable support during the go-live phase. Pim Post, the project leader of Fierit was also on island for the launch and supported all the WYCCF team members during their first sign on and while navigating the new system in the first week.

Key users within our organization have undergone training to serve as mentors for their colleagues, ensuring a smooth transition for everyone. Additional laptops have been bought and strategically placed for team use, facilitating easy access to Fierit across all WYCCF locations.

Moving from traditional paper-based client files and care plans to a digital platform may pose challenges, but with the guidance of Mareille, Luna and Pim, alongside support from our HBO-V student Nina and our trained key users, we are confident that this shift will significantly enhance our care delivery. Digital client files will enable instant access to up-to-date records, improve communication and teamwork, and enhance overall client safety.

Source: https://soualiganewsday.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=54158:enhanced-check-in-hall-at-princess-juliana-international-airport-open-for-passengers-from-all-airlines&Itemid=450