CAY BAY — The Cay Bay Community Care Taker Team is extending an invitation to all residence of Cay Bay to a General Meeting where the members of the Community that postulated themselves for a position on the Community Council will be presented and the residence will have the opportunity to vote for their new council.
This new and dynamic team is so excited and pleased to turn over a new leaf. The new postulated members have decided to step up and serve the community by running for a seat on the board of the Cay Bay Community Council.
The date is March 15th, 2018 across from Blue Fox Supermarket on Cay Bay Road from 7:00 pm-8:30 pm. The postulated Members are as follows;
The above persons are dedicated to the growth of the community of Cay Bay and wish to make a genuine and positive difference in the community and see the local area and it’s future progress.
Come out and support us !!
The postulated members of this board are ready and willing to roll up their sleeves together and go to work for a better and improved Community of Cay Bay. Your vote gives the Community Council the mandate to go out and represent you in all matters pertaining to our village. Join us on Thursday March 15th, 2018.
7:00pm – 8:30 pm and be part of the difference.
Cay Bay Community Council postulated Members
Rolling up our sleeves and going to work for a better and improved Community
“Cay Bay is for US”
#Rebuilding a stronger Community
Source: StMaartenNews
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