YES Foundation event draws hundreds

Phillipsburg, On Wednesday, October 14, 2018 The Youth Empowered for Success Foundation, (Y.E.S.) sponsored a free event for the St. Maarten community titled, “Queens You Deserve the Whole Loaf” held at Belair Community Center. The event drew hundreds of women, teenagers and even men.

Dr. Natasha Gittens was the Motivational Speaker for the evening. She is recognized as one for the top motivational speakers in the Caribbean. Her voice captivated the diverse audience and kept them at the edge of their seats. Her ability to be powerful yet sensitive allows her to pull at the heart strings of both women and men. Her art of delivery is comforting yet direct, so audiences feel her compassion but take away serious messages. It was apparent that many women understood her messages, as comments like “Tell it”, “Yes, my dear” and laughter became a part of the room’s ambiance. There were other moments when the room became still and it was clear that the event triggered individuals to seriously examine matters that were heavy on their hearts and minds.

Gittens said, “I do many of these types of events annually but tonight was special. It is obvious that St. Maarten is still healing from Irma but what I also recognized is that the women of St. Maarten and their daughters are resilient. Against all the odds they will surpass obstacles. Tonight, we celebrated change, loving self, understanding love and so much more. In my opinion when you love yourself everything further in your life will reach its highest level of excellence.

The participants had the following to say about the event:

“Inspirational!” – Shama Fluron.

“Thank you! It was clear, informative. I recognized the importance of knowing your value, self-worth and loving yourself after tonight. I walk away setting clear parameters and I will work diligently to be a better version of me.” – Michnella Eugenio.

“It was very educational. Awesome! I hope we can have another one very soon!” – Dean Franklyn.

“Empowering and inspiring. Needs to be done again, more women need to hear this.” – D’ Alexis Beatrice.

“Extremely powerful and inspiring.” – Desiree Rowe.

The YES Foundation is committed to St. Maarten’s youth and will continue to develop opportunities to foster positive change and professional development. We would like to thank our 2017 Foundation donors for making this event possible. N.V. GEBE and Windward Island Bank. In addition to our event sponsors Training Professionals International Firm, (TPI) 101.5FM Smart Conversation Talk Show and Customer Service Mobile Academy, (CSMA).

Photo caption: Dr. Natasha Gittens addressing the audience at the Belair Community Center on the night of Wednesday, March 14th, 2018, during the “Queens You Deserve the Whole Loaf” event. Photos provided.

Source: StMaartenNews