11 Mentors and 10 Foster Parents complete STAP Training | SMN NEWS

~Successful Awareness Campaign “Be The Village Foster A Child” books Results!~

 sjistraining29112022PHILIPSBURG:--- On October 6th, 2022, graduates were told that they will not be sent on this journey alone. “You will have the support of Foster Families Central which provides guidance and advocates on your behalf. A dedicated team of social workers from The Family Guardian Department, will be in close contact with you as it carries out its responsibility for the overall wellbeing of the child”, said SJIS’ Interim Director Cynthia Filemon during the certificate ceremony.

Psychologist Aisheline Maduro, STAP (Selectie Training Aspirant Pleegouders/Selection Training Candidate Foster-parents) ...


To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/index.php/st-maarten-st-martin-news/41907-11-mentors-and-10-foster-parents-complete-stap-training.html