60 participants start the Positive Parenting Support Program Facilitator Training. | SMN NEWS

debptsofyouths28102022PHILIPSBURG:--- Sixty participants have completed Orientation Day sessions toward becoming Facilitators of a new Positive Parenting Support Program (PPSP). The PPSP training will continue in the coming weeks. Once participants complete the required minimum hours, they will receive a certificate as ‘PPSP Facilitators’ with Continuing Education Units from The University of the West Indies Open Campus.

The certified PPSP Facilitators will be able to provide parenting classes guided by the PPSP. The parenting classes will help parents and caregivers increase their knowledge and understanding of positive child development practices, improve communication, increase the opportunities for bonding between parents and caregivers ...


To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/index.php/st-maarten-st-martin-news/41666-60-participants-start-the-positive-parenting-support-program-facilitator-training.html