Aalbers and Lont present ‘Capita Selecta; Caribisch Fiscaal Recht’ to Minister Irion. | SMN NEWS

taxlawirion07092021~Tax advisors present Finance Minister with Caribbean tax law book~

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – On Friday afternoon Minister of Finance Hon. Ardwell Irion received a copy of the book ‘Capita Selecta; Caribisch Fiscaal Recht,’
presented by Tax Inspector Marco Aalbers and Tax Advisor Quincy Lont. Both Aalbers and Lont are working in the tax field on Sint Maarten for many years and are co-authors of the book.
The book contains a unique thematic introduction to the tax law as it applies to Sint Maarten, Curacao, Aruba, the BES islands, and Suriname. The first edition (2020) of
the book was the initial title presenting ...

To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/index.php/st-maarten-st-martin-news/38480-aalbers-and-lont-present-capita-selecta-caribisch-fiscaal-recht-to-minister-irion.html