Attorney takes Government, WICSU/PSU and Maho to court.

PHILIPSBURG:— The attorney representing the employees of Casino Royale will be in court on Thursday afternoon as the government, WICSU/PSU and the developer of Maho Resorts were taken to court.
According to information SMN News gathered Attorney at Law Zylena Barry took the WICSU/PSU to court for signing an agreement with the developer without the authorization of their membership. While the WICSU/PSU signed a binding agreement with the developer, the members (employees of Casino Royale) did not see the agreement until it was published on SMN News. It is alleged that the developer is busy changing hands from one company to another and he appeared to have the backing of government. Another reason Barry approached the court is because the employer is forcing the employees to sign the contracts termed as transfer contracts. In the beginning the employer informed the employees by letter that he got the go ahead to terminate the services of several workers.
Each time SMN News reporter asked the Minister of Labor Emil Lee about the Maho saga he would say that the labor mediator is handling the matter, however, other legal minds said Boasman has no business in what is taking place at Casino Royale because there is no labor crisis and secondly with Boasman being involved creates a conflict of interest situation because his concubine is working at Casino Royale and somehow she managed to get a permanent job.
SMN News spoke to an attorney that is following the case closely and he said that while government is taking about curbing the abuse of the six months contract. that is still to be seen. The same people in government pretend to care about workers when it’s convenient to them but otherwise it’s the developer that runs the country because when these types of abuse is taking place government suddenly becomes quiet.

Source: St. Martin News Network
Attorney takes Government, WICSU/PSU and Maho to court.