BIP SXM submits the Audited Financial Statement 2020 for approval to the Minister of TEATT | SMN NEWS

bip20072021PHILIPSBURG:--- The Bureau for Intellectual Property Sint Maarten (the Bureau or BIP SXM) met with the Honorable Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport & Telecommunication (Minister of TEATT), Ms. Ludmila de Weever last Friday, July 16th, 2021, to present the audited Financial Statement 2020 and to discuss other pending items.
The Bureau is pleased to announce that it has received approval from the Minister of TEATT for its seventh Financial Statement (2020), as well as its seventh multi-annual budget and policy plan (2021-2025) submitted late last year. The Bureau is audited annually by Stichting Overheidsaccountantsbureau (SOAB).
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