Bus Drivers targeted by armed robbers in St. Peters area. | SMN NEWS

armedrobberyfillin13082012PHILIPSBURG:— Several bus drivers have now become the target of armed robbers in the St. Peters and the South Reward area.
The bus drivers contacted SMN News and said that on Friday Bus 161 was attacked by two armed men dressed in black also with a black hoodie on their heads. The bus driver that contacted SMN News said on Sunday another bus driver was attacked. On Sunday in the area of South Reward and Ebenezer bus 211 was attacked.
Asked if these drivers contacted the police or filed an official report the bus driver said that when police were ...

To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/index.php/st-maarten-st-martin-news/38406-bus-drivers-targeted-by-armed-robbers-in-st-peters-area.html