Business Outreach & Placement Program preparation in full force

bopp13052016Great Bay:—The Department of Youth Affairs has announced the start of the application period for the annual Business Outreach and Placement Program (BOPP) 2016.

The BOPP, coordinated by the Department of Youth Affairs, is dedicated to placing pre-exam and exam students, aged 16 to 24 and who are attending secondary education as well as first-year tertiary level education in a work experience traineeship during the month of July. The main objective of the BOPP is to provide a work experience based on the students’ possible career ambition.

All students entering the program will gain knowledge by engaging in a compulsory training provided prior to the start of BOPP with a final participation in a valuable work experience. As a result, the gap between the academic and business world is bridged by affording student trainees with an opportunity to develop their work ethics, skills and competences in various government departments and in the private sector. The host organization or department also stands to benefit from the competent and often times innovative perspective that students can offer.

This year, the BOPP program will mark its 18th anniversary and is scheduled to take place from July 4th,through July 29th , 2016 .The program will consist of the usual application period, orientation activities, training, pre-selection for interviews and final selection for a placement.

In keeping with the ever changing technological trends, the Department of Youth Affairs continues to utilize Facebook, a social media platform, to promote the BOPP among the youth and business community since its launch in 2014.

Additionally, considering that the Department of Youth Affairs advocates Children’s Rights on the island, the department saw it necessary to amended its admittance policy to now allow students in possession of a temporary resident permit to participate in the work experience program. This amendment is much welcomed as it now gives said students an equal opportunity to participate in the program once all other requirements have been met.

Source: St. Martin News Network
Business Outreach & Placement Program preparation in full force