Cabinet of the Minister Plenipotentiary of Sint Maarten hosts virtual election debate. | SMN NEWS

cabinetdebate15032021PHILIPSBURG:— On Friday, March 12th, 2021, the Cabinet of the Minister Plenipotentiary in the Hague hosted an Election debate with Candidates of six political parties. The parties which were represented in this debate were BIJ1, represented by Ms. Lysanne Charles, UBUNTU (UCF), represented by Mr. Carlos Lopes, DENK, represented by Ms. Isaura Carillho, D66, represented by Drs. Jorien Wuite, Christen Unie, represented by Mr. Don Ceder and CDA, represented by Mr. Koos Sneek.
The purpose of this debate was not only to offer a platform for the candidates to inform the voters of the party programs and visions but more ...

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