College or University 101: The United States System” workshop to be held on Jan. 26

PHILIPSBURG:— The Prosecutor’s Office will act more rigid against persons with a court sentence who do not perform their community service or do not comply with the conditions imposed

by the court in a conditional sentence. This good intention of the Prosecutor’s Office for the year 2017 led to the necessary efforts and successes in recent weeks.

In recent weeks, five (5) persons have been arrested who have not respected the conditions attached by the judge to a suspended prison sentence. The Prosecutor’s Office had ordered their arrest and they are currently detained (based on an execution order of the Court).
In recent weeks the Prosecutor’s Office has also sent letters to eight (8) other persons
with a court sentence to make them aware that they will be detained because they have not carried out their community service. Five (5) of these persons, after receiving the
letter, have decided to comply with their community service. One (1) person with a court sentence imposed in response to this letter, an objection to the Court, but that was dismissed as unfounded by the court yesterday. He will therefore still have to serve the alternative sentence and was detained right away by the police and is currently in prison.

The judge, of course, always takes into account the personal circumstances of the accused when determining the sentence. This may result in a suspect receiving a suspended sentence or community service. The suspect thus gets a chance and if he meets the conditions he will not go to jail. In case he does not take this chance, there are consequences to be attached. Otherwise, punishment is meaningless. The Prosecutor’s Office does not exclude more arrests in the near future.

Prosecutor’s Press Release.

Source: St. Martin News Network
College or University 101: The United States System” workshop to be held on Jan. 26