Continuation Committee of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Affairs (CECYSA) meeting with Min ECYS about comprehensive St. Maarten history course/program in secondary school and update from ministry regarding textbooks to facilitate such a curriculum. | SMN NEWS

PHILIPSBURG:---The Committee of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Affairs of Parliament will meet on Thursday, October 27, 2022.

The Committee meeting, which was adjourned on August 24, 2022, will be reconvened on Thursday at 14.00 hrs. in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelminastraat #1 in Philipsburg. The Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports (ECYS) will return to Parliament to answer questions posed by members of the Committee.

The agenda points are:
Discussion with the Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport on:
1. Review of pending initiatives and/or plans regarding the development and implementation of ...

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