Continuation public meeting of Parliament regarding the National ordinance establishing the annual accounts for Sint Maarten for the financial year 2015. | SMN NEWS

PHILIPSBURG:---  The House of Parliament will sit in a Public meeting on October 26, 2020. The Public meeting which was adjourned on October 22, 2020 will be reconvened on Monday at 15.00 hrs. and will be held in a virtual setting. The Minister of Finance will be in attendance.

The agenda point is:
Ontwerp van Landsverordening tot vaststelling van de jaarrekening van Sint Maarten voor het dienstjaar 2015 (Landsverordening vaststelling jaarrekening 2015) (IS/1226/2018-2019 d.d. 25 juni 2019) (Zittingsjaar 2018-2019-131)

(National ordinance establishing the annual accounts for Sint Maarten for the financial year 2015 (National ordinance establishing accounts 2015)) ...

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