Deher Questions Harbour CEO’s Competence.

bdeher24012016PHILIPSBURG:— Brian Deher, managing director of Dock Maarten NV, questions whether Mark Mingo is incompetent in his role as CEO of the Harbour Holdings Group of Companies or if he is driven by other motives. “There are too many examples where one has to question why Mr. Mingo made the decisions he did, how the Harbour ended up in such situations and why, given his track record, Mr. Mingo is still allowed to be running a company that is so important to Country St. Maarten.”
Under Mark Mingo’s leadership the Harbour has taken Dock Maarten to court and lost 3 times in the past 2 years. The Harbour is attempting to stop Dock Maarten from expanding its marina even though the company is in possession of all of the necessary water rights and has approved building permits for all of the work they have undertaken. “I find it interesting that Mr. Mingo claims that the Harbour’s concession is for the entire Great Bay and he is taking Dock Maarten to court to protect that concession, yet he had nothing to say about Bobby’s Marina expanding all of their docks and further developing their breakwater, even though that company has not taken title to any of the water where their piers or breakwater have been built and thus is not paying the appropriate long lease payments to the Government of St. Maarten.” Mr. Deher went on to say “How can a CEO explain his aggressive posture against a company [Dock Maarten] that is abiding by the applicable laws when he doesn’t file an objection against another company [Bobby’s Marina] that is completely ignoring the laws and not paying its fair share of taxes because they have not taken possession of the necessary water rights or received a building permit for all of the work that is under way.”
When you look into the Harbour’s real estate dealings even more questions arise according to Deher. “The Harbour entered into two major real estate deals since Mr. Mingo has been at the helm, one with Royal Caribbean and a second one with Zebec NV. We now know that certain agreements in the Zebec deal contradicted commitments Mr. Mingo previously made to Royal Caribbean in their deal. This led to the Harbour being sued by Zebec for $100 million and being forced to settle for reportedly US $10 million or more. Only two major real estate deals to oversee, yet as CEO Mr. Mingo made a mistake that cost the Harbour in excess of $10 million dollars. Very questionable.”
“Given their dismal track record in real estate one would expect the Harbour to stick to their core business of cruise and cargo, but they entered into yet another property transaction by buying real estate from Bobby Velasquez. Why would the Harbour lease out the land that they controlled near the cruise ships, yet buy a property from Mr. Velasquez that is not adjoining any other property they owned or controlled? Also, it now seems that the Harbour intends to sell that particular property they purchased from Mr. Velasquez to another developer. Why take risks in your non-core businesses when you’ve already made blatant mistakes in real estate transactions which cost the citizens of St. Maarten over $10 million dollars? Personally I believe these deals need to be better scrutinized as they seem to be based on ulterior motives that do not include the best interests of Country St. Maarten.”

Press Release Dock Martin

Source: St. Martin News Network Deher Questions Harbour CEO’s Competence.


  1. Wake up people of SXM!! We are being robbed right in front of our eyes! We need proof and answers from the Mingo/port and the Sxm government!

  2. I think Brian makes some very credible comments in his post that should not go overlooked by our Government. Brian and his family are from here and abiding by the laws laid down by our very own Government that is never stable. No wonder we are considered a mafia island because of all the crap that goes on here. Managers and CEO are sent home daily for sometimes mistakes far less then what Mingo has done blatantly in our faces and known to each one of us. Mingo needs to go and a vote of non-confidence needs to be applied for the board and Mingo. Wake up SXM! Speak up!

  3. How can a piece of land be sold without a title to that land?

    Doesn’t a Notary need to raise red flags here?!!

    And to make it worse, this is Government buying back the land it OWNS!!!

    And you wonder why we have a budget deficit every year and teachers can’t get the COLA!

    • his agenda has very strong merit of wrong doing on behalf of the harbor, any blind fool can see the incompetence in the harbor group of companies and the wasteful spending, bad deals.
      I suggest you get your eyes checked there sheriff, your blind as a bat.

  4. Wow strong words, but very much agree with Mr. Deher… come our Parliament is so quiet? As sole shareholder the CEO (and the Supervisory Board) should be answering to Parliament!!

  5. Well you know why he is not getting fired cause then he will expose those he’s protecting.

    Where is the Supervisory Boars in all this? Aren’t they there to protect against mismanagement??

  6. Thank you Mr. Deher for your courage to question the harbor’s management. And you are right, if any CEO made a USD 10 million dollar mistake in the private sector, his ass would be grass!

    Keep exposing so the truth comes out!