Distribution of plant species on the Dutch Caribbean Islands now online. | SMN NEWS

BONAIRE:—  Since 2018 Wageningen University & Research and Carmabi cooperate in bringing together historical and recent data on vegetation composition and plant species distribution on the six Dutch Caribbean islands. Plant observations from this CACTUS database are now online available through the Dutch Caribbean Biodiversity Database (DCBD) website (http://speciesdistribution.dcbd.nl). The website has been launched in Aruba in the first week of December.
The CACTUS database consists of about 2500 digitized vegetation relevés, resulting in about almost 40,000 plant species observations. These have been complemented by about 10,000 plant records from digital photos, citizen science databases, GBIF, ...

To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/index.php/st-maarten-st-martin-news/41963-distribution-of-plant-species-on-the-dutch-caribbean-islands-now-online-2.html