District Governor Delma Maduro visits Rotary Sunset. | SMN News

COLE BAY:— Members of the Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunset welcomed Governor, Delma Maduro and her husband, Past Assistant Governor Audley Maduro, to their general meeting on Monday October 21. Governor Delma Maduro holds one of the highest positions within District 7020, which comprises of the islands St. Barths, St. Maarten / St. Martin, Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Haiti, Turks and Caicos Islands, and the Bahamas.
The purpose of the official club visit was to allow Governor Delma Maduro the opportunity to communicate with Rotarians from each club within the district.

To read more: http://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/33225-district-governor-delma-maduro-visits-rotary-sunset.html