DP leader addressed several issues facing current coalition — School Bus Drivers demanding answers.

swwescot28012016MPs plan to take tour of Simpson Bay Lagoon to see the site allocated for the construction of sewage plant.

PHILIPSBURG:— Leader of the Democratic Party Sarah Wescot Williams informed members of the media on Tuesday that she along with two other Members of Parliament from the coalition requested a meeting with the VROMI committee of Parliament to discuss the construction of the sewage plant in the Simpsonbay lagoon which is highly debated now that the location for the project that is co-funded by the European Union is made known. Wescot Williams said the chairman of that committee is MP Maurice Lake and as soon as he calls that meeting their intention to have all MPs if possible take a tour of the lagoon with the Minister of VROMI who will then give them full explanation on the EU requirements when it comes to the radius.
Another point raised by Wescot Williams the situation regarding elementary school teachers who met last week with their unions to bring forth their plight on how the department of education manages elementary schools. Wescot Williams said that the coalition also discussed the matter and that the Minister of Education is on top of the matter and that Minister is also fully aware of the situation because she comes from the education sector and had to deal with the same problems the teachers are dealing with now. She said as Members of Parliament they are looking to see exactly how the Minister will deal with the department head and what type of measures will be taken. Also regarding schools Wescot Williams said on Tuesday morning all school bus drivers parked their buses on the Ring Road as they were seeking answers to the decision taken by government to outsource the transportation of school children. Wescot Williams said that the drivers were mainly concerned about the decision taken by government and they were not informed or even contacted for their input on the matter. The leader of the Democratic Party said that the decisions taken by government is a cost cutting measure but of course this is something that has to be fully discussed and a proper decision will have to be taken on how the organization or entity that will be in charge of school transportation will be monitored. One thing she made clear is that those that will be given the responsibility will also have to give accountability.
Wescot Williams also announced that she took note of the statements made by the Joint Court regarding the prosecution of politicians and with what she have read thus far she will be sending some questions to the Minister of Justice to find out if the guidelines that are being used by the Prosecution is just a guideline or if it’s a policy.

Source: St. Martin News Network DP leader addressed several issues facing current coalition — School Bus Drivers demanding answers.