Dutch Prof. Hoogers Misinforms InterExpo Delegation Regarding Decolonization | SMN NEWS

prosoualiga05112020PHILIPSBURG:--- During the recently held InterExpo in the Netherlands, Constitutional Law Professor Mr. Gerard Hoogers was asked about the decolonization status of the former Netherland Antilles to which he insinuated that our decolonization process remains unclear. When it comes to decolonization resolutions, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) uses a very unambiguous code of standard uniform practice to denote whether a territory is decolonized or not. The aforementioned stand uniform practice employed by UNGA includes stating that a full measure of self-governance and a right of self-determination has been attained, as well as, stating that Chapter XI of the UN Charter ...


To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/index.php/st-maarten-st-martin-news/39309-dutch-prof-hoogers-misinforms-interexpo-delegation-regarding-decolonization.html