Dutch still refuses entertain discussion on CRE, Knops blackmail continues. | SMN NEWS

PHILIPSBURG: — Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs confirmed that the Dutch government still refuses to entertain any form of discussions on the law to establish the Caribbean Reform Entity (CRE). Jacobs said that the same goes for Curacao and Aruba. She said as soon as the Dutch government decides to reopen the discussion St. Maarten will be ready as they did send a number of changes to the law to ensure that this new entity does not trample on the autonomy of the countries. Jacobs said that St. Maarten has its legal advisors that are ready to resume the discussion with ...

To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/35970-dutch-still-refuses-entertain-discussion-on-cre-knops-blackmail-continues.html