ECLAC hosts art and craft exhibition.

PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad & Tobago:— In an effort to bring life to the discussions and conclusions of a recent study on the art and craft sector completed by the Economic Commission for Latin and America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the organization is hosting an art and craft exhibition from 25-27 October 2017, in collaboration with Trinidad and Tobago’s Central Handicraft Association of Artisans and Talented Traders (CHATT).

The handiwork of CHATT will be on display at ECLAC Caribbean’s Port of Spain office for these three days, and several of the participating artisans will be present to share information on their work.

Members of the diplomatic community and the United Nations system were invited to enjoy this unique display of craftwork, which includes decorative and wearable crochet items, jewelry, clothing, handcrafted lighting, glass and crystal works, all of which are on sale, just in time for early Christmas shopping!

The six-year-old organization CHATT, is based in Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago and was formed to provide support for artisans in marketing their creations. The multi-crafted group of talented crafters, as they describe themselves, have been involved in several initiatives since their inception.

These include a Craft Expo in 2013, the establishment of a Youth Arm for crafters under 18 years, the first and second prizes in a Horticultural Flower Show Competition in 2014, finalist in the Best Village Competition in 2015 for the Best Display Booth, and a school project where CHATT tutors were able to interact with students of various schools in different areas of craft.

The art and craft sector was described by ECLAC’s Director, Diane Quarless, in opening the exhibit as an important niche of the cultural and creative industry in T&T, one that should be further developed to enhance the diversity of the economy. Such diversification strengthens the resilience of small economies.

For further information, please contact Alexander Voccia at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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. Telephone: (868) 224-8067/224-8075.

ECLAC Press Release

Source: St. Martin News Network