Emmanuel calls on govt. to publicize GridMarket MOU. | SMN NEWS

chrisemmanuel14122020PHILIPSBURG—Independent Member of Parliament Christophe Emmanuel has publicly called on the government of St. Maarten to publicize the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) it has entered into with GridMarket and the Island Resilience Partnership (IRP).
The MP was reacting to a government press release that announced that St. Maarten will leverage the GridMarket platform to transition away from diesel dependence and create a sustainable, resilient, low-cost energy future.
“It all sounds nice and well, but the devil is always in the details,” the MP said. “I am quite certain that many people reading that release had questions as it was very ...

To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/38258-emmanuel-calls-on-govt-to-publicize-gridmarket-mou.html