Emmanuel questions how Ballast Nedam won airport bid with its bribery settlement. | SMN NEWS

~ Says measuring stick is different for Dutch firms ~

letter21072021PHILIPSBURG:— In response to the news that Ballast Nedam has been awarded the contract for the airport reconstruction project, Independent Member of Parliament Christophe Emmanuel has again questioned how Dutch firms with a criminal history continue to secure contracts on St. Maarten.

It is not the first time the MP has raised these concerns. Earlier this year he pointed out that Windward Roads, despite its guilty verdict in the Larimar investigation and defrauding the country, is still somehow managing to secure contracts from the government of St. Maarten, with the ...

To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/38131-emmanuel-questions-how-ballast-nedam-won-airport-bid-with-its-bribery-settlement.html