Emmanuel: Stop using PJIA employees as a political football, take care of them . | SMN NEWS

cemmanuel02022021PHILIPSBURG:— Using airport employees as a political football and for sound-bites is unbecoming, but very typical of the opportunistic method of operations by the governing National Alliance (NA)-United People (UP) coalition. Independent Member of Parliament Christophe Emmanuel over the weekend said he was astonished to hear the Prime Minister and the President of Parliament mention the airport employees in Parliament last Thursday, in what he says was a transparent ploy at playing politics with people’s emotions and lives.
He said during months of an outcry by the employees over disrespectful treatment by the CEO of the airport and multiple questions ...

To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/37645-emmanuel-stop-using-pjia-employees-as-a-political-football-take-care-of-them.html