Exclusive: $80,000.00 stolen from PSS (Post Office) Checkmate Security caught on camera stealing, pushing envelopes in his crutches.

Checkmate in the news again in negative light – Suspect released by Judge of Instruction – Harrison remains a suspect.

PHILIPSBURG: — A long-time security guard working for Checkmate Security is now in police custody after he was caught on camera stealing monies from the Postal Services St. Maarten (PSS) and pushing it in his crutches.
According to a well-placed source, the security guard identified as Eli Harrison from Jamaica unit 19 went away sometime last week while the management of PSS was investigating the disappearance of USD80, 000.00. The source said while the known security guard was away, PSS installed new cameras, and upon his return to the job he was not aware that PSS management installed new cameras, therefore the uniformed thief went to the back of the post office and was pushing envelopes into his crutches. Police was called to the scene and they conducted a body search of the security guard who has been working at the Post Office for the past 6 years. So far it is not clear if the investigation into the USD 80.000.00 has any relation to Eli Harrison.
Chairman of PSS board Stuart Johnson confirmed that there is an ongoing investigation regarding the disappearance of USD 80,000.00. Johnson also admitted that the Checkmate Security Guard that has keys to the building was arrested on Friday when he was caught on camera placing envelopes in his crutches. Johnson said based on the briefing he got from the interim manager of PSS, he was told that the security guard was caught with mails from the registered services, he said he could not correlate whether or not the security guard is involved in the stealing of the missing cash, neither he cannot understand why a security guard would steal registered mail. “All I can tell you is what I am told by the interim manager and I am now awaiting a full report from management of PSS.”
In invited comment from spokesman from the Prosecutor Office Gino Bernadina states that E.H. was arrested on Friday September 16 on suspicions of theft. The arrest was based on a complaint filed by the post office. The Prosecutor ordered his detention for two days. After that the Prosecutor ordered his prolonged detention for another 8 days. On Monday the suspect appeared in front of the judge of instruction who reviewed his arrest and detention. The judge decided to suspend his detention. E.H. remains a suspect. The investigation continues.

Source: St. Martin News Network
Exclusive: $80,000.00 stolen from PSS (Post Office) Checkmate Security caught on camera stealing, pushing envelopes in his crutches.