Local police officers are being victimized, while Justice Ministry says it lacks human resources.
PHILIPSBURG:— Another local police officer that is working at the Landsreacherche is allegedly being victimized by the head of the justice department that is currently under investigation.
SMN News learnt that Ademar Doran tried to send home major Henk Lake who is demanding that he be given a Lansbesluit for the position he is currently holding. According to information reaching SMN News major Lake has been working at the National Detectives department since 2011 and to date he has no Lansbesluit. A well-placed source told SMN News that the department head told the officer that he should go home on Monday but the officer demanded that he be given something in writing but Doran did not produce such a document.
SMN News further learnt that the officer is going to work every day but he is not given any task. “right now the Minister of Justice and Doran is telling the people and the courts that the lack staff is one of the reasons they take years to investigate cases, but the truth of the matter is Doran is busy sending home local officers that are more than capable of producing. Can you imagine they are asking Holland for human resources, even though they have qualified local officers in service that are being victimized and are not allowed to work.”
SMN News also learnt that Major Lake sent a very strong letter to the Minister of Justice Edison Kirindongo which was copied to the Council of Minsters’ on Monday informing them of his predicament.
SMN News tried contacting Minister Kirindongo for a comment on the case but he could not be reached. However, SMN News learnt via sources that the Minister is busy working on the case.
Another officer that was sent home by Ademar Doran is Inspector Lydon Lewis who gave a statement in the brutal murder of Akeem Isidora. Lewis was re-instated but then took the Ministry of Justice to court for his rank and salary to be regulated. On Tuesday Lewis postulated on the USP slate, if elected Lewis might well become the next Minister of Justice.
Source: St. Martin News Network
EXCLUSIVE: Another Local cop facing victimization at Landsreacherche.
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