EXCLUSIVE: Conflict of interest arises with labor mediator and Maho Group — Employees takes case to court.

raphaelboasman28072015PHILIPSBURG:—Former Minister of Labor and now labor mediator Raphael Boasman found himself in a conflict of interest situation as he mediates with the employer and the attorney representing the workers causing the attorney representing the workers to move to court.
SMN News learnt that Boasman concubine Lucy Peralta who is an employee of Casino Royale managed to secure a permanent job with the company while the other employees are contesting the transfer/ and or termination of their jobs. However, other sources say that Peralta has been a permanent employee at Casino Royale for the past 12 years.
Minister of Labor Emil Lee confirmed that the case at Maho is now in the hands of the court and therefore he could not comment on the ongoing labor saga.

Questions are being raised about the agreement the Windward Islands Civil Servants and the Private Sector Union (WICSU/PSU signed with Maho Hotel Operations B.V. since it surfaced, a document workers of Maho Hotel Operations B.V and members of the WICSU/PSU did not see even though a representative of WICSU/PSU Juilia Solagnier signed on behalf of the workers.
Some 40 employees of the company working at Casino Royale refused to sign the agreement that is now termed as a transfer agreement. At first Maho Hotel Operations had a Termination agreement. In  a letter the company sent to the workers of Casino Royale  they stated that they have obtained clearance from the department of labor to terminate the workers.
In a letter to SZV the company wrote that they will annul the process if by any chance they does not obtain a business license in the name of the new company CM&M. SMN News learned that the new company still did not get its license yet the negotiations and transfer procedures are ongoing.

Source: St. Martin News Network
EXCLUSIVE: Conflict of interest arises with labor mediator and Maho Group — Employees takes case to court.