PHILIPSBURG: — Another document surfaced since the ongoing saga with the investing of the AOV funds. On Wednesday, Minister of VSA Emil Lee said he was never warned neither did he had any meetings with the former chairman of the Supervisory Board of Directors of USZV Dr. about the investment of the AOV funds.
Minister Lee attacked the former Chairman of the SBOD Dr. Michel Petit whom he said never warned or called a meeting with him to discuss the funds, he went as far as saying that if Dr. Petit was interested in protecting the funds he would not have resigned and filed a complaint with the National Detectives to protect his own reputation, instead he would have stayed in his position as chairman and protect the fund.
SMN News published a letter that the former chairman of the SBOD Dr. Michel Petit sent to Minister Lee dated March 30th, 2016 and his written response where he admitted that the SBOD of USZV was right with their analysis.
SMN News stumbled on yet another document that proves that the Minister of VSA Emil Lee chose to lie and even tries to slander the names of other people when trying to defend his decisions through his arrogance.
In an email dated December 18th, 2015, sent by Jeroen Veen to the Minister of VSA Emil Lee it clearly outlines the contents of the meeting called on December 15th, 2015 to discuss pressing matters that needs to be regulated. The email states the following that the decree for the ZV and OV funds dates back to 1966 and is antique. The investment framework in that decree gives USZV hardly any possibility to invest in the local economy, and that USZV drafted a national decree and the explanatory notes that establish a modernized investment framework for the all the funds entrusted to the organization. The draft ordinance would revoke the older ones when it is screened by legal affairs and goes through the necessary legislative process. In that email, Veen stressed the urgency to have the necessary legislation in place before USZV AOV funds could have been invested. Jeroen Veen is the legal advisor to the director Glen Carty, he is also the former Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Directors who today has changed his tongue when he told SMN News in a telephone conversation on Wednesday that the legislation is from 1966 and the one from 2013 is basically a copy and paste legislation USZV took over from SVB when the island obtained its country status.
Click here to view email sent to Minister Lee by Jeroen Veen in December 2015
Source: St. Martin News Network
EXCLUSIVE: Minister Lee got warning from Jeroen Veen about AOV funds in December 2015.
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