EXCLUSIVE:- Shake up in Justice Ministry —Ruben Thompson slated to be appointed Secretary General of Justice.

Udo Aaron position in Limbo.

PHILIPSBURG: — A major shake-up is expected to take place in the Ministry of Justice as early as next week. SMN News have been reliably informed that former head of Central Government information service Stanley Kwidama will be appointed Chef of the Cabinet of the Ministry of Justice In 2018 Kwidama was appointed temporarily at the disposal of the Antillean Prime Minister as quarter master to assist St. Maarten in receiving the Justice entity prior to St. Maarten achieving its country status.
While Irene Simmons will be appointed Human Resources manager and Ruben Thompson will be appointed Secretary General of the Ministry of Justice. SMN News learnt that the persons that are appointed will most likely take up their positions as early as next week.
The only person that remains in limbo at the moment even though he as a Ministerial decree as Acting Secretary General is former Commissioner of Police Richard Panneflec who have been inactive for over two years now. Panneflec was appointed acting secretary general by former Minister of Justice Roland Duncan but months after he became inactive when former Minister of Justice Dennis Richardson was in office. SMN News learnt that while Panneflec reports to work every day at the Ministry of Justice he is actually not given any work or appointed to any specific position.
SMN News further learnt that the current acting secretary general and director of immigrations Udo Aaron might be removed from his positions since he has no respect for the current Minister of Justice Edison Kirindongo.

Source: St. Martin News Network EXCLUSIVE:- Shake up in Justice Ministry —Ruben Thompson slated to be appointed Secretary General of Justice.


  1. Its good to see SXM youth making wave in the political landscape of the island. He can certainly shake things up, but hopefully wont be intimidated by other figures. I believe youre wrong Roddy. Rueben has got his head on straight, he works hard and works for what he believes in. And you cant just stay stagnant. Thats something a lot of people here in St. Maarten are okay with, they are okay with not pushing the envelope, catalysing change and stepping out of their comfort zone. I believe in him and i hope makes the right decisions in the future and doesnt sell out on his beliefs, and i ttust he will do that. He has what is certainly in short supply in the St. Maartrn government, INTEGRITY.


  2. Interesting!

    How to become a top civil servant within 2 years with big salary and perks from being an environmentalist? I guess you need to join a political party, throw away all that you believe in, toe the party line even if this means going against exactly that you have been fighting against for years (e.g. Salt Pond filling, Emilio Wilson/Rainforest Adventure) and ask for a cozy desk job after with a top salary.

    Opportunism at its best folks.

    • Stop looking at someones salary if you could have done better they would have ask you to become SG. that’s why in Sxm government has too many of your kind still working in government.
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