Expansion VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne in Curaçao.

vaneps05042016PHILIPSBURG:— With associate Daan Jacobs taking the oath on 4 October 2016, the Curaçao team of VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne adds the fourth new lawyer to their team this year. Daan has five years of experience as a lawyer and focuses on litigation. He advises and assists in, for instance, contractual, corporate and real estate (liability) issues.
Daan started his career with international law firm NautaDutilh in the Netherlands.,Having obtained a masters degree in Antilles Private Law at the University of Curaçao in addition to his master’s degree in Dutch Corporate Law, he was already familiar with the island and the Caribbean region before his move to VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne in Curaçao.
On joining VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne in Curaçao, Daan comments: “After I graduated, Curaçao continued to appeal to me, and the desire to return to live and work here continued to grow. Particularly as I can continue my career here at the same high level as I did in the Netherlands, and enjoy the wonderful Caribbean life at the same time.” On taking the oath, Daan remarks: “Although it was the second time that I was sworn in, it was still a special moment. It is the official start of the continuation of my career in the country where I have been wanting to settle for a long time.”


Source: St. Martin News Network
Expansion VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne in Curaçao.