Face to Face learning will continue despite COVID-19 surge on St. Maarten. | SMN NEWS

~ ECYS Minister plans to monitor for the next two to three weeks.~

rodolphesamuel20112020PHILIPSBURG:---Minister of Education, Youth and Sports Rodolph Samuel said in an invited comment that face-to-face learning will continue on St. Maarten despite the surge in COVID-19 cases.
The Minister said that he already sent out a letter to all schools informing them that school reopens today January 3rd, 2022 as of normal while the Ministry will continue monitoring the progress of the COVID-19 before another decision is taken.
Minister Samuel told SMN News in an invited comment that one-week monitoring is too short, thus he will ...


To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/index.php/st-maarten-st-martin-news/39409-face-to-face-learning-will-continue-despite-covid-19-surge-on-st-maarten.html