First Preparedness Meeting Held in Preparation for Hurricane Season. | SMN NEWS

eocpreparedness26052022PHILIPSBURG(DCOMM):---  On Wednesday afternoon, Prime Minister Hon. Silveria Jacobs chaired her first preparedness meeting involving 10 Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) that make up the country’s national disaster coordination system.

Department Head of the Meteorological Department of Sint Maarten (MDS) briefed the Prime Minister and ESF coordinators with respect to the forecast for the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season.

Thereafter, each ESF coordinator presented an overview of their state of national preparedness for the season.

The 10 ESFs are: ESF-1 NV GEBE Electricity/Water Production; ESF-2 Bureau Telecommunications & Post (BTP); ESF-3 Ministry of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry of ...


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