Gear up for Carnival Bootcamp Classes — Pilates Classes

PHILIPSBURG:— NIA Gear up for Carnival Bootcamp will be a fitness program counting down to Carnival 2016. Classes will focus on fat burning exercises, toning your core muscles for slim waistline figure, arms and legs for slender limbs, and your glutes for a lifted derriere. Though Carnival costumes be skimpy, time to start getting your body ready!

Allison Deher will be leading the classes. She is a Pilates teacher for the past ten years, a resident teacher for Art Saves Lives and recently certified NSCA personal trainer. Off days from Bootcamp there will be morning walks planned. Food journaling and support will also be offer to program members.

Classes will be three times a week; Tuesdays at 5am, Thursdays at 5am and Saturdays 8am or
10am. The program will be 10 weeks of classes, starting February 9th and concluding April
14th. The price for the full 10 weeks is $210 upfront, of three payments of $100 (due Feb 2nd, Mar 2nd, Mar 30th). Drop in rate is $12. NIA class cards will be accepted,

Also, Allison Deher will be teaching Pilates classes at NIA Tuesday and Thursday mornings at
6am and Saturdays at 9am.

Source: St. Martin News Network Gear up for Carnival Bootcamp Classes — Pilates Classes