Leader Of URSM Party Endorses Support for the Haitian Community. | SMN NEWS

mercelinaursm09112022PHILIPSBURG:--- Leader of the URSM Party, Dr. Luc Mercelina, was a Guest on the Haitian Radio program on PJD2 Sunday night November 6th, 2022, with Host Mr. Pierre Dallise.
During an hour-long interview, Dr. Mercelina revealed that: ”We from the URSM appreciate, and enormously endorse and respect the HASM, that is the Haitian Association of St. Maarten and we especially have a good relationship with the President, also of the Haitian Association of St. Maarten, being Mr. Jimmy Jean-Louis, so we want to send special regards in the name of the URSM for the HASM Members.”
Dr. Mercelina further ...


To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/index.php/st-maarten-st-martin-news/41752-leader-of-ursm-party-endorses-support-for-the-haitian-community.html