Leadercast Victorious Living SXM Brings Expert Speaker Lineup to St. Maarten on August 11th: Let’s Shift! | SMN NEWS

leadercast22072021PHILIPSBURG:— These globally influential speakers will help develop the skills and amplify the leadership impact of St. Maarten’s community of leaders.
Great Bay, St. Maarten, July 21, 2021 – Leadercast, the leadership development company that propels the growth of leaders worldwide through transformative video content, has partnered with Victorious Living SXM to bring Leadercast 2021—Shift digital leadership conference to the leaders of St. Maarten, the Caribbean region and the world on August 11, 2021. To attend digitally via live stream, visit https://bit.ly/Shift-VictoriousLiving.
The line-up for the event includes Rainn Wilson (The Office), Guy Raz (How I Built This), NFL ...

To read more: https://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/38136-leadercast-victorious-living-sxm-brings-expert-speaker-lineup-to-st-maarten-on-august-11th-let-s-shift.html