Mary’s Fancy Plantation Pool a breeding ground for mosquitoes while Zika is on the rise — Where is APS Board, the current owner of the property.

marysfancyplantation0805201PHILIPSBURG:— Its seems more than likely that Collective and Preventative Services (CPS) from the Ministry of Health has been ignoring the danger and side effects that the Zika virus has on patients that catch the virus. Just recently SMN News posted a photo of the pool at Algeria resort which is clearly a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
On Sunday SMN News visited Mary’s Fancy Plantation only to find a pool that turned into a swamp where mosquitoes are breeding while families with young children are living on the property.
Also visible is construction and renovation seems to be taking place at the plantation and while the Minister of Health Emil Lee cautioned the public to take the necessary precautions to prevent mosquito breeding and news reports are constantly informing the public about the Zika virus it is downright shameful to see APS the current owner of the property has chosen to ignore the health hazard they pose to the people living on the plantation and general public. SMN News tried contacting former Lt. Governor Franklyn Richards on Sunday for a comment on the condition of the pool and why nothing has been done to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes on the plantation but Richards could not be reached by telephone. Minister of Health Emil Lee is unaware of the situation, however, the Minister promised to get CPS to visit the plantation and to quickly resolve the problem.

Source: St. Martin News Network
Mary’s Fancy Plantation Pool a breeding ground for mosquitoes while Zika is on the rise — Where is APS Board, the current owner of the property.