Minister Irion: St. Maarten is the most compliant country with SSRP execution. | SMN NEWS

~Gives special recognition to SZV, ATS, and SMDF~

ardwellirion09062022 PHILIPSBURG:--- The Minister of Finance, Mr. Ardwell Irion, recently presented the teams of Social & Health Insurances (SZV) and Audit Team St. Maarten (ATS) with special recognition for their collaboration in the execution of the Business Payroll Support (SSRP) program of 2020 - 2021. The St. Maarten Development Foundation (SMDF) also received special recognition from Minister Irion for executing the Employee Income Support Program, which falls under the umbrella of SSRP.

“I am genuinely proud of the efforts put forth by the employees of SZV and ATS, as the workers who labored ...


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