PHILIPSBURG:— This week has been a week full of milestones. Tripartite consensus on civil code and labor reform as well as Council of Minister’s approval on the first draft national health insurance legislations for stakeholder consultation. “All of which wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated staff within the Ministry of Public, Health Social development and Labor, members of the tripartite, other Departments within Government that do not fall under VSA such as the Legal Affairs Department, and especially member of my Cabinet,” stated Minister Lee.
“Special recognition to Erica Woodley, my Executive Assistant who joined the Cabinet in February, keeps me in check and ensures the office runs smoothly; Luduska Dongo a consultant on special projects in relation to improving communication with the community who joined the team in March; Ellen Knoppel my Legal Advisor who has been part of the team from our inception, ensures all decisions are in compliance with applicable legislation among other tasks; Chris Fleming who joined the team in January, supports each Cabinet member in accomplishing tasks and ensures that I am taken care of; Jim Rosen who joined the Cabinet as a volunteer advisor to contribute a few hours a week, ended up working 14 hour days from November on, formally joined the Cabinet as a paid member as of March 15th. He is my Senior Specialist and has been instrumental in guiding the Cabinet and initiating game changing projects for the Ministry; and last but not least Alissa Rios & Selby Philip who are my Policy Advisors. They have been part of the team since November when we took office and have been responsible for the daily operations as well as advisors on everything that I sign.”
The progress that is being made is very much a team effort; all for the people of Country St. Maarten. Together, we all share the same vision of Country above self.
Source: St. Martin News Network
Minister Lee Thanks his Cabinet and Ministry for their Dedication and Hard Work — Pro- bono employee becomes full time staff on payroll.
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