Minister of Justice and Unions representing law enforcement officers chose a company for insurance policy for justice workers.

MP Frans Richardson called on Minister to address the dress code of Chief of Police Carl John. KPSM needs to improve their image especially the Chief of Police.

PHILIPSBURG:— Minister of Justice Edison Kirindongo along with representatives of the various unions that are representing the civil servants working in the Justice Ministry appeared in parliament on Tuesday to respond to the questions posed to him earlier this month on the insurance policy for police officers.
Minister Kirindongo showed the Members of Parliament a PowerPoint to show the MPs what he has been doing in order to have a suitable insurance package for the justice workers. He said that the unions in collaboration with his Ministry already selected an insurance company that will provide insurance for the justice workers.
The Minister said that the life insurance policy amounts to NAF. 200,000.00 that will be paid out the families of workers who lose their lives in normal death. Those who lost their lives or dismembered through accident will also receive NAF.200, 000.00. if the maimed workers continue to work after the accident then their families will also receive another NAF 200,000.00 when the person passes away. Police officers or any justice worker that loses his or her life in the line of duty their families will receive NAF.400, 000.00.
In the event a worker died by any cause the member will be covered, even if they lost their lives overseas while working the families will receive the full amount of NAF 400.000.00. Workers who passes away abroad while on vacation or travelling will also be covered but their families will receive a maximum of NAF 200.000.00
The cost for the insurance policy will be NAF.35.00 per worker per month a total of NAF 420.00 per year per employee. Coverage for all justice workers will cost the Ministry NAF 19,250, 00 monthly for the 550 workers that works in the Justice Ministry, which brings it to NAF 231,000.00 yearly.
The Minister was given credit by most Members of Parliament for being able to work with the unions and to find a reasonable solution to provide life insurance for justice workers who placed their lives on the line on a daily basis. All other questions posed to the Minister after he made his presentation will be submitted to parliament in writing.
MP Frans Richardson called on the Minister of Justice to pay some keen attention to KPSM especially the Chief of Police Carl John whom he said is not dressing or acting as the Chief of Police of St. Maarten. MP Richardson said only persons who knows John knows he is the current Chief of Police but no one could identify him just like that because of his inappropriate image and dress code.
The MP said that should anyone see the former Chief of Police Peter de Witte and John walking together they will believe that De Witte is still the Chief of Police on St. Maarten. He said this raises concern for him and the people of St. Maarten. MP Richardson said in the past the police took pride in the way they dress and they had great respect for their image in public, however that is not the case today and he felt that the Minister of Justice needs to address this matter urgently.

Source: St. Martin News Network
Minister of Justice and Unions representing law enforcement officers chose a company for insurance policy for justice workers.