Minister of VROMI attends Waste Expo.

wasteexpo30062016PHILIPSBURG:— The Minister of VROMI the honorable Angel Meyers attended the 2016 Waste Expo in Las Vegas earlier this month.
The main purpose of this visit to the Waste Expo was to increase the general knowledge regarding the various waste collection and treatment technologies. Furthermore to learn from the best practices which should lead to the implementation of quick wins concerning collection- and treatment of waste as well as cleanliness of our country’s infrastructure. “The current issues at the Landfill cannot be seen separate from this process, we must look at a comprehensive solution and seek to implement mitigation measures”.
Based on the knowledge obtained through the various meetings and presentations held at the waste expo, the Honorable Minister is strengthened in his vision regarding a way forward with waste collection- and treatment on St. Maarten.
The intention therefore is to within short launch an awareness campaign on this topic, “our country’s cleanliness should be a concern of all citizens, businesses and of course Government”

Source: St. Martin News Network
Minister of VROMI attends Waste Expo.